Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Skaion Corporarion,
This project was developed in part by numerous sponsorships from the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints of Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon.
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- class WordProcessor.WordProcessor(system, config, p_type=None)¶
This is the abstract class which a <no title> interacts with to control a Word Processor (like MS Word or Writer). Combined with an instance of WordProcessorImpl these classes implement the Bridge Pattern
system: a <no title> object letting us control the remote system
config: a <no title> object containing the configuration for this user
p_type: optionally override the config file type of word processor to get an instance for a particular word processor, regardless of the default
- close_all(save=False)¶
Exit the application, closing all documents. By default this will not save changes to documents, but this can be overriden if desired.
save: whether or not to save changes to documents if prompted
- close_document(save=False)¶
Close the currently active document and switch to a random other open one if any are available. If this is the last open document it will cause Word to exit too. This will not save the document if prompted unless otherwise told to do so.
save: whether or not to save the changes if prompted
- edit(text)¶
Type the given text into the currently active document.
text: the text to be typed to the current location in the file
- insert_pic(path)¶
Insert a picture from an external file.
path: the path to an image file to include in the current document
- load(path)¶
Load a file from the given path.
path: the path to the target path
- new_document()¶
Open a new document in the open application
- save()¶
Save the currently active document
- save_as(path)¶
Save the currently active document to a new path.
path: the new path