Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Skaion Corporarion,
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- class NumpyRegion.NumpyRegion(config, path)¶
This is a concrete sublcass of Region which uses Numpy Arrays as the internal representation of the screen region.
config: a UserConfig object
path: the path to the image file to load or None for an empty Image
- count_color(color)¶
color: the color to count
Return: the number of times that color appeared in this region
- debugprint(rect=(), verbose=False)¶
Print a text version of the region to stdout. sys.stdout.write is used instead of print in order to have finer control of the formatting.
- from_array(array)¶
Define this Region as coming from the given array.
array: the array defining this image
- get_as_png()¶
Create a PIL Image from this data buffer Return: A PIL Image object
- get_row(ind)¶
ind: the row index (with row 0 being the top row, counting down from there)
Return: an entire row of pixes as a Sequence
- get_size()¶
Return: a tuple containing the height and width of this region
- get_value_at(x, y)¶
Return the value (usually the color) of the pixel at the given coordinates.
x: the column to check
y: the row to check
Return: the value of the given pixel/location
- is_black(x, y)¶
x: the column to check
y: the row to check
Return: True if the pixel at the given row and column is black
- is_white(x, y)¶
x: the column to check
y: the row to check
Return: True if the pixel at the given row and column is white
- save_as_png(path)¶
Save this Image to the given path (overwriting an existing file if there is one) as a PNG file.
path: the location of the file to create
Return: True if successful, False otherwise