Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Skaion Corporarion,
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- class FTPCommandShell.FTPCommandShell(system, config)¶
This class provides functionality that is expected to be common to all instances of ftp when run in a shell, regardless of the specific platform running it.
system: a <no title> object to communicate with the target system
config: a <no title> object hold all our configuration
- connect(site, user, passwd)¶
Connect the ftp client to the desired server.
site: the name or address of the ftp server to connect to
user: the username to authenticate with
passwd: the password to authenticate with
- exit(*args, **kwargs)¶
Exit the current instance of the application.
save: not used here, just accepted to provide a common prototype
- get(name)¶
Download a given file fromt he remote system.
name: the name of the file to download
- has_error()¶
Stub for things that check this
- ls()¶
Run ls on the remote system.
- open()¶
Open an instance of the FTP Client to use.
- put(path)¶
Upload the given file to the remote system.
path: the file to copy up to the server
- run_cmd(cmd)¶
General function to run other commands, e.g., bin or prompt.
cmd: the command to run