
Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Skaion Corporarion,

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class ChromeGeneric.ChromeGeneric(system, config)

This class is an abstract parent for concrete browsers sharing Google Chrome’s UI/implementation. Interacting with such browsers has a consistent pattern for most activities regardless of the platform or specific browser version


  • system: The <no title> object connecting to the target system

  • config: the <no title> object defining this user


Chrome doesn’t really have dialogs, but it does have a message box it will display at times. Most of the time they go away if you click anywhere in the browser, but not always. This will try to find the correct “x” button to close that message box.

The correct “x” is the lowest one

go_to_uri(uri, wait_for_load=True)

Type the given URI into the address bar and go to it.


  • uri: the string to type that is the desired URI

  • wait_for_load: a boolean indicating whether or not to wait for

    page to load after typing the uri


Launch the app, we’ll just use the default Application one