
Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Skaion Corporarion,

This project was developed in part by numerous sponsorships from the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints of Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon.

All content reflects those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government or Skaion Corporation.

class AxCrypt.AxCrypt(system, config)

I am the abstract class for working with AxCrypt. Subclasses will at least need to point to the correct set of images to drive AxCrypt on the platform.


  • system: a <no title> object to interact with the target host

  • config: a :doc:`UserConfig: object defining this user

decrypt(passwd, path, out_path=None)

Decrypt the file at a given path, optionally writing to the specific path instead of accepting the default location to write.


  • passwd: the password/phrase to decrypt the file with

  • path: the location of the source file, as a string

  • out_path: optionally a string saying where to write the decrypted file

Return: False on failure, otherwise it is the expected path of the decrypted file

decrypt_with_key(key_path, source_path, out_path=None)

Decrypt the file at a given path, optionally writing to the specific path instead of accepting the default location to write.


  • key_path: the key file to use to decrypt the source file

  • source_path: the location of the source file, as a string

  • out_path: optionally a string saying where to write the decrypted file

Return: False on failure, otherwise it is the expected path of the decrypted file

encrypt(passwd, path, out_path=None)

Encrypt the file at a given path, optionally writing to the specific path instead of accepting the default location to write.


  • passwd: the password/phrase to encrypt the file with

  • path: the location of the source file, as a string

  • out_path: optionally a string saying where to write the encrypted file

Return: False on failure, otherwise it is the expected path of the encrypted file

encrypt_with_key(key_path, source_path, out_path=None)

Encrypt the file at a given path, optionally writing to the specific path instead of accepting the default location to write.


  • key_path: the key file to use to encrypt the source file

  • path: the location of the source file, as a string

  • out_path: optionally a string saying where to write the encrypted file

Return: False on failure, otherwise it is the expected path of the encrypted file