
Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Skaion Corporarion,

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class Taskmanager.Taskmanager(system, config)

I am an abstract parent of Taskmanager on each Windows platform. Taskmanger works much the same on each of those systems, so most of the functionality can be abstracted and have just the paths to the regions change, which can be safely done in the subclasses.


Close taskmanager


  • save: ignored here, just accepted to allow a common function prototype

Return True if all the steps to close it were completed (there is not necessarily much verification of that at this point), False otherwise


Launch Taskmanager, method may change, but for now do it by hitting CTRL+ALT+DEL and clicking the start taskmanager option

Return: True if Taskmanager seems to have been launched, False otherwise


Select a tab by a given name. Recognzied names are:

  • Applications

  • Processes

  • Performance

  • Networking

Name matching is not case sensitive.


  • name: the name (from the above list) of the tab to select

Return: True of the tab is selected, False otherwise


Select the column to sort the data on. The list of supported columns only match those in a default setting for Taskmanager and not all possible columns. Additionally, not each tab is applicable to each tab. The list of supported column names is:

  • Task: on Applications tab

  • Status: on Applications tab

  • Name: for Image Name on Processes tab

  • User: for User Name on Processes tab

  • CPU: on Processes tab

  • Mem: for Mem Usage on Processes tab


  • name: the column name from the list above

Return: True if the column was clicked, False otherwise