
Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Skaion Corporarion,

This project was developed in part by numerous sponsorships from the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints of Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon.

All content reflects those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government or Skaion Corporation.

class RFBPySystemImpl.RFBPySystemImpl(config)

Provide access to the remote system by using the rfbpy module.


At the current location click down and up on the given mouse button(s) (see the mouse_down or mouse_up method for extra information about the buttons).

  • buttons: a string representing which button(s) should be pressed


Locate the given region, then click a spot within it (the spot can be any spot in the region, so this may not be suitable for every caller!).


  • region: a <no title> to locate on the screen then click

Return: True if the region was found and clicked, False otherwise


Given the bounds, click somewhere within them.


Get the current scren as a <no title>


Press down a given keyboard key.


  • key: the key to press down, which can be any character or meta key


Press up a given keyboard key.


  • key: the key to press up, which can be any character or meta key


Press the given mouse button(s) at the current position. If ‘l’ is in buttons the left mouse will be pressed, if ‘r’ is in buttons the right mouse button will be pressed, and if ‘m’ is in buttons the middle mouse button will be pressed. Other mouse buttons are not supported.


  • buttons: a string representing which button(s) should be pressed


Press the given mouse button(s) at the current position. If ‘l’ is in buttons the left mouse will be pressed, if ‘r’ is in buttons the right mouse button will be pressed, and if ‘m’ is in buttons the middle mouse button will be pressed. Other mouse buttons are not supported.


  • buttons: a string representing which button(s) should be pressed

move_mouse(x, y)

Move the mouse cursor to the given x, y location.


  • x: the x coordinate the mouse should end in

  • y: the y coordinate the mouse shoudl end in