
Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Skaion Corporarion,

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class EmailClientImpl.EmailClientImpl(system, config)

This class is the public interface by which a <no title> can access and manage email. This class abstracts away the actual software that is being used to access the email, so that can be changed without needing to change the <no title> as long as there are no changes to this interface.


  • system: a <no title> object to communicate with the target system

  • config: a <no title> object holding all our configuration

If the currently displayed email has any links visible, choose one of them and click on it.

compose_new(to, subject, msg, cc='', attach=())

Compose a new mail message with the given fields filled in.


  • to: the string recipient(s) in the TO: field

  • subject: the string to enter as the subject field

  • msg: the message to type in the body of the message

  • cc: optionally the string to type in the CC: field

  • attach: optionally a list of paths to files to attach to the message


Delete the currently selected message.


Exit the application.


  • save: whether or not to save drafts of unfinished messages

forward(to, cc='', msg='', attach=(), subject='')

Forward the currently selected message to at least one recipient optionally with an additional message added to the email.


  • to: the string to enter in the TO: field

  • cc: optionally the string to enter in the CC: field

  • msg: optionally the string to add to the body before sending

  • attach: optionally a list of paths to files to attach to the message

  • subject: option new subject to use instead of the default


Return: the number of messages in the currently selected folder


Get a <no title> that encapsulates the message list


Get the offset associated with the given region.


Return: whether or not there are attachments on the currently selected message

Check if there are any links visisble (may not scroll the message) and return a list of tuples of coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners of the visisble links.

Return: a list of rectangles surounding visible links


Open an attachment without explictly saving it.


  • attachment: the string which will identify the attachment to open


Read the currently selected message, this may involve opening the message in a new window (and closing it when done) or scrolling a viewing area, or seeming to be idle for a while.

reply(msg, to='', cc='', attach=(), subject='')

Reply to the currently selected message, optionally responding to additional recipients.


  • msg: the (string) message to type as the reply

  • to: optionally a string to add to the TO: field

  • cc: optionally a string to add to the CC: field

  • attach: optionally a list of paths to files to attach to the message

  • subject: option new subject to use instead of the default

reply_all(msg, attach=(), subject='')

Press the reply-to-all button (or similar) and add a message.


  • msg: the string message to type

  • attach: optionally a list of paths to files to attach to the message

  • subject: option new subject to use instead of the default


Save the attachments on the current message to the given directory.


  • directory: the directory in which the attachments should be saved


Select the first folder that is found that matches the given title.


  • title: the title of the mail Folder to select


Select the ind’th element in the current folder. Other messages may or may not be temporarily selected on the way to find the desired message.


  • ind: the integer index (from 0) of the message to select


Find a message in the current folder with the given sender string in the From field (which may not always be completely visible), and select it (usually by single clicking on it).


  • sender: the string to match in the From field of an email

Return: True if such a message was found and selected, False otherwise


Find a message in the current folder with the given subject and select it (usually by single clicking on it).


  • subject: the string to match as the subject of an email

Return: True if such a message was found and selected, False otherwise


Pick a message at random and select it

EmailClientImpl.get_email_client(system, config, email_type=None)

This is the Factory method which creates concrete instances of EmailClientImpl to control an actual Email client.


  • system: a <no title> object which connects to the system on which the client runs

  • config: a <no title> object containing this ConsoleUser’s config info

  • email_type: optionally the type of the client to create, overriding anything in config